Welcome to The Stroller Site.
My name is Sarah and I am the creator of The Stroller Site. I work along with many other moms to make this site the most informative and useful guide to buying the best stroller on the internet.
I have four kids – two singletons and then twins – so I have tried a ridiculous amount of strollers and about every combination there is. I have bought and used single strollers, double strollers (both for a baby and a toddler and for twins). I have even road tested some triplet strollers. Through all of this, I became a stroller addict and expert. I also noticed that there was a lack of good stroller resources for parents that were without bias.
Some of my mommy friends felt the same as me so we committed to building this website and making it the biggest and best guide to strollers on the internet. We hope to help you avoid some of the pitfalls we fell into – from choosing the wrong type of stroller for our needs to buying something that has all the bells and whistles but isn’t actually practical. There is a lot of money to be saved by doing some research at the beginning and buying the best stroller for your particular situation. We hope to help you with this process.
Of course, situations also change and perhaps you are having a second or subsequent child, have taken up jogging or have received the same news as I did a couple of years ago – that you are having twins – and need to buy a new stroller. We also hope we can help you too.
So please, take a look around and find the best strollers on the market. If you are not sure where to start, check out our home page to work out which type of stroller is for you. If you already know, check out that section, eg double strollers or jogging strollers. If you still have questions, please add a comment or contact us – we are happy to help!