Best Double Stroller

Table of Contents

A double stroller could be the one of the most difficult types of strollers to purchase, and not for the reason you may think. Although double strollers are bulkier, heavier and pricier than other strollers, we are now lucky enough to have a great selection of options to choose from.

Even with a wide array of double strollers available, it can be hard to imagine how the different options will work out for your family. I hope the reviews below can help you to decide on the most important features for your family.

Keep reading for all the information and double strollers reviews to help you find the best double stroller 2018 has for you!

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Double Strollers 2018

Best Double Stroller Comparison Chart

Like I said: there’s a lot of options to sort through to find the best double stroller. To make your search a bit easier here’s a list of the best double strollers on the market.

Each stroller has some key criteria to help you decide, and you can sort bu what’s important to you by clicking on one of the table’s headings.

Stroller Image  Type Weight (lbs) Weight Capacity (lbs) From Birth? Price Our Rating (/5)
Baby Jogger City Select with Second SeatBaby Jogger 2014 City Select StrollerTandem3445+45no*See It4.5
BOB Revolution Flex Duallie Strollerbob 2016 revolution flex duallie strollerSide by Side33100no*See It5
Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double StrollerBaby Jogger 2016 City Mini GT Double StrollerSide by Side33100no*See It4.5
Britax B-Agile Double StrollerSide by Side2650+50yesSee It4.5
Chicco Cortina Together Double Stroller Chicco Cortina Together Double Stroller Tandem 34 40+40 yes See It4.5
Graco Room for 2 Click Connect Stand and Ride Stroller Graco RoomFor2 Stand and Ride Classic Connect Stroller Sit and Stand2650+50no*See It 4.5
BOB Ironman Duallie Stroller Side by side 33 100 no** See It 4.0
Delta City Street Side by Side StrollerDelta City Street Side by Side Stroller Side by Side1935+35noSee It4.0
ZOE XL2 DELUXE Double Xtra StrollerSide by Side1650+50noSee It4.5
Phil & Teds Voyager StrollerTandem4244+33yesSee It5
Summer Infant 3D Two Double StrollerTandem2137.5+37.5yesSee It3.0
Baby Trend Sit N Stand Double StrollerBaby Trend Sit N Stand Double StrollerSit and Stand3350+50no*See It4.0
UPPAbaby G-Link StrollerSide by Side 24.550+50yesSee It 5.0

* – These strollers are suitable from birth if you use an infant car seat.

Types of Double Strollers

Within the world of double strollers exists several types of its own, and here at The Stroller site, I have categorized these into three types: side by side, tandem and sit and stand. I have done so to make choosing the right type of double stroller simpler, as each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, including whether they are suitable for newborns and twins, which I discuss below.

By narrowing down the type of double stroller suitable for you, finding the best double stroller will be much simpler.

Side by Side Double Strollers

Side by side strollers are some of the best rated double strollers. So what is a side by side stroller? It’s when the seats are right next to each other like in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller pictured below.

The big advantages to side by side strollers is that they’re (usually) easier to assemble and disassemble, they possess a tighter turning circle and access to your children is easier (there’s no structural part of the stroller in the way). Of all the types of double strollers, side by side strollers are usually the most lightweight, too, so this is the category to look for if you want the best lightweight double stroller. Many fold up umbrella style.

The disadvantages are their width – they are wider than other stroller types – and their larger size when they fold up. However, there are some smaller, lightweight options such as the Delta City Street Side by Side Stroller, although these types are usually not suitable from birth.

The width of side by side double strollers is harder to get around, especially in shops or through doorways. If you are considering a side by side stroller then it’s a good idea that you measure the doorways in your house (at least the front or back door!) so you know how wide a stroller will fit where you live.

Read more about the best side by side double strollers and our guide to the best double umbrella strollers.

Tandem Double Strollers

Tandem strollers have one seat in front of the other. Both seats usually face forwards and the back seat is slightly raised (like in a theater) but sometimes the rear seat is under the front one or the seats can be moved to face each other.

The biggest advantage to tandem strollers is their narrower width. Compared to a side by side stroller they are more narrow and should fit through doors and shopping aisles without an issue. Thanks to their narrower frames, tandem strollers are easier to push and to navigate around. They usually fold up smaller than side by side strollers, too.

The drawbacks are that it can be harder to lift the front wheels to get up to the side walk when crossing a street (due to the extra weight forward of the rear axle) and access to the rear seat is somewhat impeded by the front seat.

Some of these strollers, such as the Baby Jogger City Select Stroller, also have the advantage that they can be used with either one or two seats so can also be used for only one child.

Read our guide to picking the best tandem stroller.

Tandem vs Side by Side Double Strollers

If you’re still unsure about the differences between a side by side stroller and a tandem stroller then this video should help:

The strollers in this video are the Baby Jogger City Select Stroller with 2nd Seat and the Baby Jogger City Mini Double Stroller.

Sit and Stand

Sit and stand strollers are a great choice if you have an older baby and a toddler, a toddler and a preschooler or two toddlers together. One child sits at the front and an older sibling can sit or stand on a platform at the rear.

Essentially sit and stand strollers are like single seat strollers with the extra platform at the back for an older child. As such they bypass many of the downsides of the other two double stroller types. There’s no width or access problems with a sit and stand.

Because there is just one seat, sit and stand strollers are usually more compact than tandem and side by side strollers. They fold up smaller as well. The downside is that you need a child that’s old enough to be able to stand (or sit) on the rear platform without needing securing. They aren’t suitable for newborns (they can’t recline enough) or twins (unless they’re both old enough to stand).

Here is a review of the Baby Trend Sit N Stand Double Stroller. It will give you a better idea of how sit and stand strollers work. You can also read our guide to the best sit and stand strollers.

Double Strollers Suitable from Birth

Not all double strollers can be used for newborns. If you want a double stroller that you can use from the day your child or children are born you will need to check it is suitable for young infants. The comparison chart at the start of the article notes those double strollers safe for newborns.

Double Strollers for Twins

Just because a double stroller is suitable from birth, it does not mean that it is suitable from birth for two infants. Few double strollers have two seats that can recline to a lie-flat position. If you are having twins an want to use a double stroller for them as newborns then you need to sure that any double stroller you pick is suitable. The comparison table above will indicate a stroller is suitable for twins only if it can support them from birth.

All double strollers will support older sets of twins, subject to their combined weight being within a stroller’s limit.

Some of the double strollers have been marked “no*” for this column in the comparison chart. This means that it is not suitable as is for twins from birth, but it suitable if you also have infant car seats that can be connected to this stroller, like the Graco DuoGlider Classic Connect Stroller. The best double stroller for twins are often side by side double strollers where both seats can fully recline.

Read more in our complete guide to finding the best twin stroller.

Jogging Double Strollers

We do not discuss double jogging strollers in this section. Please check out our double jogging stroller page.

How to Choose a Double Stroller for your Family

Before you can choose a double stroller for your family, you need to consider the following questions:

  1. What ages will your children be when you use this stroller?
  2. What size are your kids?
  3. How portable is the stroller?
  4. How often and how will you use this stroller?
  5. How much storage do you need? What other features do you need in a stroller?

The best stroller for one family may not be the best stroller for your family, so it’s important you consider all these questions.

1. What age will your children be when you use this stroller?

Any stroller you buy needs to be age-appropriate for your kids. Do you want to use the stroller from birth? And for just one baby or two? If you do want it from birth, ensure you pick a double stroller that is suitable from birth, such as the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller.

2. What size are your kids?

Pay close attention the maximum weight any stroller you’re looking at will support. You need to know the limit will be high enough to support your kids for the age range you desire. It’s hard to know just how big your kids will grow but if you want to use a stroller for say at least a couple of years then you’ll need to consider just how big your kids are likely to be. For example, some double strollers in the comparison table support only 35 pounds in total. If you want a stroller for a four year old then 35 pounds might not be enough.

3. How portable is the stroller?

Planning to use your stroller out and about a lot? A lightweight stroller that folds up small, like the the Delta City Street Side by Side Stroller, might be a better option, especially if you travel regularly. Even if your travel consists mainly of driving to the mall then you’ll to make sure any stroller you pick will fit into the truck of your car.

4. How often and how will you use this stroller?

Weight will become an issue if you’re carrying your stroller or putting it in and taking it out of your car regularly. You need to make sure lifting the stroller isn’t uncomfortable.

Also if you will be walking to or through a lot of tighter spaces, like a supermarket aisle or shops then a then a tandem stroller or a sit and stand stroller, which are both narrower than side by side, may work better for you.

5. How much storage do you need? What other features do you need in a stroller?

It is also important to consider what features you need in a stroller. Do you use a stroller to go shopping regularly so need a big basket? Perhaps a cup holder is important or a stroller which is easy for tall people to use.

Safety is also an important consideration, and you should only purchase a stroller that meets all safety requirements. Below are the top rated double strollers currently for sale.

Top 10 Double Stroller Reviews

Baby Jogger City Select Stroller with 2nd Seat Review

This stroller is the best rated double stroller on the market.

The best part of the Baby Jogger City Select is how versatile it is. It can be used as a single or double stroller and there are 16 seating combinations, so you can have your children face you, face away or face each other. It is also possible to attach a bassinet or up to two infant car seats. It is the best tandem double stroller so its width should not be a problem. This flexibility in positions make this the top rated double stroller for an infant and toddler.

The seats are amazing – they have multi-position recline as well as multi-position canopies. The head height is adjustable and there is a 5 -point safety harness and shoulder pads.

The Baby Jogger City Select also features patented quick-fold technology to make it very easy to put this stroller away after use.

Read the full review or check out the latest price.

Phil & Teds Voyager Stroller With Doubles Kit Review

If you are looking for a double stroller which is flexible to your needs, then this is one you should have on your shortlist. There is a 4 in 1 adjustable modular seat, and it has four modes, so you can choose between your child facing you, facing away from you, lying flat, and lying flat off the buggy surface.

The double kit which is included also allows you to lay your child flat too. As you can see, there is plenty of scope for comfort, and each position is easy to change from and to. You can also use the stroller as a bassinet at the beginning, which can be sat either on or away from the stroller itself.

On top of this, the wheels are 12” and puncture-resistant, which gives you peace of mind, and the attached storage section can hold up to 10kg. The brake is hand operated for safety, and the adjustable handle is padded. The harness is a 5 point variety, and has an easy one touch opening mechanism too. There isn’t a lot this stroller doesn’t have!

See more reviews and find out the latest prices here.

Chicco Cortina Together Double Stroller Review

The Chicco Cortina is a good choice if you need a stroller that supports a newborn. The front seat is designed for older kids while the rear seat fully reclines to become a bassinet and can support any child up to 40 pounds.

The Chicco Cortina Together Double Stroller can also combine with one or two of Chicco’s Key Fit and Key Fit 30 baby capsules to be suitable for newborn twins.

Both the seats are designed to be safe and comfortable. Older kids won’t be too big or slip out of the front seat like with many inferior double stroller options.

In addition there’s loads of useful features, like one handed fold and set up, an adjustable height handle, parent’s tray on the handlebar and tons of storage space under the seats. Given the range of features it is very well priced. For tandem strollers it is one of the best double strollers 2018 has so far.

See more reviews and find out the latest prices here.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double Stroller Review

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double Stroller is a popular choice and we rate it at 4.5/5.

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double Stroller features all-terrain, non-flat tires with good suspension to give your children a smooth journey. There is an adjustable handlebar for parents and patented quick fold technology to make putting away this stroller easy.

The seats feature adjustable sun canopies and recline to a near flat position. They are padded for comfort. They also feature taller seat backs and  longer foot wells for taller children.

Find out the price now.

Britax B-Agile Double Stroller Review

The Britax B-Agile Double Stroller is a fabulous stroller and we also rate this at 4.5/5.

The best features are the lightweight aluminium frame, the height adjustable handle and the infinite seat recline. This stroller is suitable from birth and suitable for twins.

The Britax B-Agile Double Stroller features all terrain tyres and great suspension, so this stroller is also a good choice if you think you will need to go off road.  It features 5-point harnesses and head pads, a large basket and folds away relatively small.

Check out the latest price of the Britax B-Agile.

BOB Ironman Duallie Stroller Review

The BOB Ironman Duallie Stroller is a great stroller for running enthusiasts.

The best features are the tough wheels and suspension which are perfect for rough terrain or jogging. This is a stroller that can go anywhere. It’s incredibly easy to maneuver, even compared to many single strollers! It is also easy to fold away, too.

With the aide of an adapter this stroller can support BOB’s B-SAFE Infant car seats, making this stroller suitable for infants (even twins).

The seats recline and are padded for extra comfort. They feature 5-point safety harnesses. There is lots of storage on the BOB Ironman Duallie Stroller with 6 pockets and a big storage basket.

Read the full review, more BOB Stroller reviews or check out the latest price.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double Stroller Review

This double stroller is attractive, available in grey, black, or black and red mix. The stroller is easy to manoeuvre and you can fold it down quickly with one hand, to save time and hassle.

The front wheel suspension and 8.5” tyres mean a smooth and non-bumpy ride for your child, and the front wheel is also dual lockable, so you can go long distances with ease. On top of this, the handlebar is adjustable, so you can adjust to your particular height needs.

Inside you will find a padded, air mesh seat, which allows breathability for your child’s comfort, and a large sun canopy to help block out the sunlight – the top of the canopy has a window for you to check out what is going on inside! The retractable canopy is also weatherproof, so you can rest knowing that the wind is not going to cause too many problems.

You can read more reviews on the Baby Jogger City Mini and see the latest prices here.

Graco RoomFor2 Click Connect Stand and Ride Stroller Review

The Graco RoomFor2 Click Connect Stand and Ride Stroller is a highly regarded sit and stand stroller.

This stroller features two seats, with the option of standing for the older child. It can hold an infant car seat, so it can also be suitable from birth. There are multiple positions that this stroller can be configured into. The front seat features a 5-point harness and the back bench seat a 3-point harness.

This stroller comes at a great price and is especially recommended for families with a baby and an older toddler or preschooler.

Click here to see the latest prices.

UPPAbaby G-LINK Stroller Review

This particular double stroller is fantastic for independent children, because whilst one may be sleeping, the other might want to be actively looking around – this product allows for that with individually reclining seats and adjustable footrests. Choose between four different seating positions, including lay flat for young babies.

The wheels are large and high performance, and will stand up to many different types of terrain, with no issues. The seats are also fabric removable and machine washable, and when the stroller is folded, which happens easily, it stands by itself, without needing to be propped up; collapsing the stroller is a breeze, and can be done with one hand.

The canopy is also removable and blocks out sunlight, with a viewing window at the top. There is also a removable cup holder included with the design. This is basically one of the best double strollers for children who want to be independent from each other, especially at different ages.

You can read more about the UPPAbaby G-LINK Stroller and see the latest prices here.

Summer Infant 3D Two Double Convenience Stroller Review

The Summer Infant 3D model is a great budget choice, holding a combined weight of up to 75lb. The seats are quoted as ‘stadium style’, which means they are not side by side, and both have 5 point safety harnesses which have easy to use buckles. There is also a padded bumper bar included, and a footrest for the rear seat, and adjustable rest for the front seat.

Both canopies are independent from each other, so you can adjust to each child’s varying needs, and both have a window for you to check out what is happening inside as you move around. There is a large storage pocket and basket, which will hold more than enough, and a cup holder for convenience. When collapsing the stroller down, this is done easily with one hand, and locks for convenience, with a strap to carry it.

You can check the latest prices for the Summer Infant 3D here.


If you want a double jogging pram, check out our guide to finding the best one. Unsure if a double stroller is right for you? Check out our home page to decide what type of stroller is best for your family. Also don’t forget our dedicated guides to the best tandem strollers, sit and stand strollers and side by side strollers.

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